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已有 504 次阅读2018-9-7 22:41 |个人分类:六合八法


Venue (Media: Cantonese)DateTimeCoach
Island West - Podium, 4/F, Haking Wong Building, University of Hong KongEvery Sun0900-1030Ying Fun-fong
Course Content (in Chinese)
  • 三盤十二勢 Sanpan Shiershi (3 Divisions 12 Spirits)
  • 龍虎戰 Longhuzhan (Dragon and Tiger Fighting)
  • 築基拳(上路) Zhuji (Building Foundation) (Upper)
  • 呂紅八勢 Lu Hong Bashi (8 Essences of Lu Hong’s Fist)
  • 螫龍拳
  • 螫龍游
  • 築基拳(下路) Zhuji (Building Foundation) (Lower)
Origin and History of Liuhe Bafa

Liuhe Bafa is the simplified name of Huayue Xinyi Liuhe Bafaguan, aka Water Fist.  One of the most brilliant practitioner in recent history is Wu Yihui.  Mr. Wu was born in Tieling, Liaoning Province and lived in Beijing.  He learnt all the essence of Liuhe Bafa from Yan Guoxing and Chen Guangdi.  Mr. Yu also learnt Lu Hong Ba Shi from Song Qingwen in Pienliang.  Lu Hong Ba Shi is said to be the work of Li Fengyuan of Dengfeng.  Li taught it to Xiong Zhanyuan and Wei Lucheng of Hengchuan, Xingkun of Nanyang, and Deng Zhanxiong of Hebei.  Deng taught it to Song Laomai of Qingxian, who in turn taught his son, Wingwen, the teacher of Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu entered Military Academy of Baoding in 1905 and later met Liuhe Bafa grandmaster Chen Helu.  He learnt from him for two years, during which his martial arts were further refined.  In late 1920s, Wu went to Shanghai to teach martial arts.  In 1936, Director of the National Martial Arts Association of Nanjing, Zhang Zhijiang invited Wu to be the Provost, who taught Liuhe Bafa there at the same time.  After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Wu moved to Kunming with the Arts Association and returned to Shanghai after our victory.  He taught martial arts at the staff club of Shanghai Electric Power Company in 1950 and was hired by the Department of Literature and History, Shanghai in 1957.  He passed away at Shanghai on 29 March 1958, aged 73.

According to legend, Liuhe Bafa was created by Chen Xiyi of the Song Dynasty.  However, such a saying, just like that Taijiquan was created by Zhang Sanfeng and Shaolinquan by Damo, should not be believed.  In the opinion of recent martial artist Li Yingang, Liuhe Bafa used the whole power of Xingyiguan as core, stances of Baguazhang for transfer, and the soft power of Taijiquan for change.  He came to the conclusion that it should have started after these three internal Chinese martial arts, in the Qing Dynasty, and its creation has been falsely credited to Chen Xiyi.

Successors of Wu Yihui included Zhang Changxin, Zhao Daoxin, He Fusheng, Chen Yiren and Liang zipeng.  The latter two moved to the South and Lihe Bafa was transferred to Hong Kong.  Chen later went as far as the South Seas and transferred Lihe Bafa to Singapore.

Characteristics of Liuhe Bafa

Xinyi Liuhe Bafa uses the Six Harmonies as the core and the Eight Methods as the application.  Xin (heart) is the brian, Yi (intention) is the consciousness.  Whatever your heart/mind wants, your consciousness/intention follows.  These two are inseparable.  Therefore, the Xinyi Six Harmonies should be the core, that is, body agrees with mind, mind with intent, intent with breath (qi), breath with spirit, spirit with movement and movement with emptiness.  The Six Harmonies can also be divided into the three internals and three externals.  The three internals are mind agrees with intent, intent with breath, and breath with force.  The three externals are hands coordinate with foots, foots with knees, and knees with pelvis.  To make it more concrete, the body parts in coordination should be in opposite sides of the body and in equal strength, for example, left hand with right foot, right hand with left foot, left elbow with right knee, right knee with left elbow, right shoulder with left hip joint, etc.  Generally speaking, the upper coordinates with the lower, the left with the right, the front with the back.  The Six Harmonies and the Xinyi are linked together.  Xinyi controls the Six Harmonies and the Six Harmonies follow Xinyi.

The Eight Methods are: Qi (breath), Gu (bone), Xing (shape), Sui (follow), Ti (raise), Huan (return), Le (retain) and Fu (Conceal).

Xinyi Liuhe Bafa is a stylish internal fist.  Its movements are flowing, smooth and steady, alternating between fast and slow, and slack and tight.  Locomotion uses the waist as axis, with exact steps following the waist movement.  It has the lightness of Taijiquan, variety of Baguazhang, and strength of Xinyiguan.  It is indeed one of its own kind.

For internal martial arts, it is important to know your power and even more important to know your methods.  The best knows both power and methods, the mediocre knows power but not methods, the worst knows neither.  Understanding power is difficult.  So is understanding methods.  To imitate a fist is not hard, to understanding a fist is hard.  Hence, what to look for when practicing a fist is not the changes in movements and stances but in mind and spirit.  One should not emphasize on theories and overlook practice as activity is indispensable in learning a fist.  The activity is one between mind and intent and body.  Calmness is a means to activity.  Outwardly, the practitioner is active in movement but inwardly, s/he is calm in mind.  No matter how many routines there are, this principle applies.  Of course, practice always makes perfect.

Forms of Liuhe Bafa (in Chinese)

Zhuji (Building Foundation) (Upper)
01停車問路      02臨崖勒馬      03閉門推月 
04撥雲見日      05臨崖勒馬      06摘星換斗 
07鴻雁雙飛      08閉門推月      09孤雁出群 
10野馬追風      11川流不息      12伏虎聽風 
13聲東擊西      14青龍探爪      15丹成九轉 
16撥雲見日      17順水推舟      18怒馬回頭 
19瓶花落硯      20高山流水      21童子送書 
22樵夫擔柴      23天官指星      24五雲捧日 
25托天蓋地      26燕子抄水      27朝陽貫耳 
28截手雙推      29薰風掃葉      30燕子啣泥 
31靈猿摘果      32猛虎回頭      33旋轉乾坤 

Zhuji (Building Foundation) (Lower)
34風擺荷葉      35掩手紅拳      36琵琶遮面 
37流星趕月      38燕子斜飛      39丹鳳朝陽 
40翻江攪海      41倒騎龍背      42狸貓撲蝶 
43抽樑換柱      44風捲殘雲      45螫龍現身 
46烏龍擺尾      47平分秋色      48走馬觀花 
49魁星獻斗      50燕子穿雲      51提手七星 
52雁字橫斜      53黃龍轉身      54五聖朝天 
55葉底藏蓮      56鳳凰展翅      57白鶴啄魚 
58月掛松梢      59倒揭牛尾      60童子抱琴 
61犀牛望月      62鷂子穿林      63赤龍攪水 
64風動浮萍      65氣升昆崙      66存氣開關

Sanpan Shiershi (3 Divisions 12 Spirits)
三盤是指:『上盤行走如捲風,中盤動作如遊龍,下盤落地見真功,三盤練會是英雄』。十二勢之命名,都是從自然界中的十二種鳥獸類中衍生而來,由於生物都具有維護自己生存的內在才能、本能和固有特點,將之運用在技擊方法中,通過借鑑、模仿其形象或是象徵來發揮作用。十二勢分龍戰、虎賁、鶴列、豹掌、猿肱、熊攀、雁翼、蛇行、鷹揚、鸞趨、鵬搏、麟盤。其精義為 :
龍戰在推掠          虎賁在攏搓 
鶴列在攝引          豹掌在劈捉 
猿肱在長擊          熊攀在撐撥 
雁翼在換影          蛇行在伸縮 
鷹揚在鷂打          鸞趨在纏托 
鵬搏在翼抖          麟盤在扣鎖

Lu Hong Bashi (8 Essences of Lu Hong’s Fist)

Longhuzhan (Dragon and Tiger Fighting)

香港大學 (嘉道理生物科學大樓平台)

香港大學中國武術舊生會  http://hkucmaaa.org.hk/






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